"Corruption is more fertile and seemed never-ending, both at central and regional levels; is clear evidence of how bad the morality of our government officials. But whether it is only caused by the mere matter of morality?. We'll know by learning from history ".
The phrase above was very wrong despite the truth contained in it. We should not necessarily be seen in moral terms as a single aspect of corruption in Indonesia. Person's morality is determined by the environment and social interaction. High and low morality is awakened in a person, depending on how much he is absorbing the value (pervade value) produced by the environment. During 32 years of New Order rule, public morality is reduced by dominant political interests at the time. State government have deliberately built stigma and deviant behavior (abuse of power), by legalizing the practice of corruption among government officials. That is because the shapes and patterns that tend to suppress the practice of power so blatantly has legalized the practice of corruption, even in front of our own society.
Back then, maybe everyone knows (in fact rarely are pretending not to know), that there has been irregularities and fraud and misuse of public money in the form of corruption committed by the New Order ruler and his cronies. However, the political culture of silence that dihegemonisasi by the government, making the community seem silent and indifferent due to fears that the government intentionally produced systematically at the time. Voice means dealing with power, which of course will culminate pressure and repression for those who dare to voice them.
Morality vs. centralism Power
Corruption is an economic problem which is rooted in socio-political structure of Indonesian society. Corruption is not merely a moral issue, as said by most people who believe in it. Although of course a moral issue has an important role in the nurture corruption in our country, but the role is not independent from political power structure that provides space for the emergence of this corruption problem. Lately, so many sounds simple campaign effort (soft campaigne), including government, community leaders, NGOs / NGOs, to prominent religious shop on appeal and the appeal to the community to constantly improve the character and moral values ??that had been considered the mother of the occurrence corruption in Indonesia. Media used range from TV ads, newspapers, magazines, pamphlets and leaflets Tabloid up, the point is stressed to the public that, "if you want to eradicate corruption, then fix our basic morals and morality, because moral degenerate is the root cause of corruption in Indonesia
". The effort is not one, but mistaken view matters objectively and comprehensively. Even the greatest public concern is," do not let the Efforts of an anti-corruption campaign Continued to corner a moral issue as a ringleader of the proliferation of corruption, only used as an effort to "wash hands" and "diversion issues" of corrupt officials, and thus, the more people forget the main factor That encourages the birth of corrupt practices, namely: building the rule of an authoritarian, oppressive and centralized to a Few people ". The low Morality of a person, has Become one variant Causes of corruption, but there are still more Important Things entrenched than its root Causes of corruption, the which is more substantial than just Certainly Reasons of Morality.
One among many factors that play fosters corruption is "the power centralism", or governance structures that concentrate power in the hands of a few elite. Imagine, if the power is run with an iron hand, how easy this corrupt practice committed in the name of mutual interest. Exactly the same as the practice of power that is run by Suharto's New Order government, which the government so easily suck taxes and public money on behalf of and for the development. Anyone who obstructs, branded as anti-government, jeopardizing the stability of the State, up to allegations of communist new styles and so forth. Nature, State power is concentrated to a few people, will certainly lead to a strong domination and hegemony of the majority people of Indonesia. This has become an important factor why corruption is so very easy it is to thrive and grow in Indonesia.
On the other hand, sociologically, we can analysis the trend of corruption spread and flourished among the general public, is also not free from the building of power exercised by Suharto's New Order. Thinking people have been automatically carried away by the social environment is formed from the building power is centralized and authoritarian. Naturally, then when most government officials to the region (Governors, Regents, Mayors, the subdistrict head, village chief up to the hamlet head though), also act the same as the attitude adopted by the authoritarian New Order power and arbitrary. Local officials even this rule, do not hesitate to use its authority to enrich themselves by sucking and oppressive society. Yet ultimately, the public seemed quiet and did not dare to ask let alone protest that occurred due to the dominant power. As a result, the political culture that is built in the community tend to be premature and prakmatis. For instance, many people are vying to become the regent or even sub-district must spend the cost of not a few yag in his election with one thought, "Did not cost me out of this meager when compared to the funds will I get in the government if the ruling be? It could even be multiplied in number. " It was a very sad situation and people's lives amid conditions of the worse off.
Past Heritage
In the context of the way the Indonesian nation, the issue of corruption is rooted and entrenched. Even Among the majority of public officials, corruption Often Consider That something as a "normal and natural". Like opium, corruption has become a prestigious, the which if not done, Will it create "stress" the audience. Corruption starts from the refraction process, eventually Becomes a habit and leads to something That has been accustomed to be done by State officials. Inevitably then, many People who are so pessimistic and desperate to law enforcement Efforts to crack down on corruption in our country. If it is said to have been entrenched in life, then where is the beginning of corrupt practices emerge and develop?. Will this paper give a little explanation about the origin of Asul culture of corruption in Indonesia the which in essence has been around since the days Pls the areas of the archipelago are still unfamiliar with the system of feudal government (Oligarkhi Absolute), or it can simply be said, Pls government areas in Archipelago is made up of empires, led by the Nobility (King, Sultan, etc..)
Broadly speaking, the culture of corruption in Indonesia to grow and develop through 3 (three) phase of history, namely: the royal era, colonial period until modern times it is today. Let's try one by one surgeon at each phase. First, the phase of the Kingdom Age. Culture of corruption in Indonesia, in principle, against the background by the interests or motives of power and wealth. Literature history of Indonesian people, especially in the days of ancient kingdoms, such as the kingdom of Mataram, Majapahit, Singosari, Demak, Banten, etc., teaches us that conflict is accompanied by a motive power to enrich themselves (small part due to women), has become a major factor destruction of these kingdoms. Try and see how the maintain the Kingdom Singosari civil war among each other even up to seven generations seek revenge for power, ranging from King Anusopati, King Ranggawuni, until King Mahesa Wongateleng and so on. The same thing happened in the kingdom of Majapahit which led to several conflicts that led to the rebellion Kuti, Nambi, Suro and others. In fact we know, the Majapahit kingdom was destroyed by civil war which we are familiar with "Paregreg War" that occurred after the death of Supreme Patih Gajah Mada. Then, the kingdom of Demak, which shows the competition between Joko Tingkir with Haryo Penangsang, there is also the kingdom of Banten triggers Sultan Haji seize the throne and rule with his own father, the Sultan Ageng Tirtoyoso (Amien Rahayu SS, Traces History of Indonesia Corruption-Analyst Information LIPI). Another interesting point in this phase is the time of this kingdom, began awakening nature opurtunisme Indonesian nation. One example is the position of the messengers in the kingdom, or better known as the "courtiers".Courtiers in the power of this age, growing niche to always be nice to attract the Sympathy of the king or sultan. It is also the birth of the embryo eventually just opportunistic That also has the potential to corrupt the soul is so great in our system of government in the future day.
Second, Phase Colonization Period. In colonial times, the practice of corruption has begun to enter and expand into the system of socio-political culture of our nation. Culture of corruption has been built by the colonial invaders (especially by the Dutch) for 350 years. This growing culture of corruption among local leaders who deliberately made by the colonizer's political clown, to perform certain administrative areas, such as village headman (headman), Tumenggung (district or provincial level), and other officials that in fact are agents of the colonial people Holland to maintain and supervise a specific territorial area. They are appointed and employed by the Dutch to harvest tribute or taxes from the people, used by the Dutch colonizers to enrich themselves by sucking their rights and lives of the people of Indonesia. At first glance, the stories Pitung films such as Si, Jake Sembung, Samson & Delilah, etc., it is suitable to describe the situation of the people of Indonesia at the time. The baron-baron agents of the Dutch (or more familiar degan as the "Company"), with no allied himself knows you, has to suck and oppressing their own people just to satisfy the interests of the colonizers. Like dogs,messengers invaders Holland has been willing to be enslaved by a foreign nation just to get your attention in Hopes of getting a decent position and position in the government established by the colonialists. Explicitly, the real colonialists WHO practice the culture of hegemony and Domination, made of Indonesia also did not hesitate to oppress his own people through Their behavior and its corrupt practices. Are like blood-sucking vampire WHO Sometimes prey on his own people for survival (Survival).
Third, the phase of the Modern Age. Phase of the development of corruption practices in modern times it is today actually began when the escape of the Indonesian nation from the shackles of colonialism. But the culture left behind by the colonial power, not necessarily just go away. one of the legacy left behind is a culture of corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN). This is reflected in the behavior of government officials who have even begun in the era of the old Order of Soekarno, who eventually growing and thriving in Soeharto's New Order government to date. Again, the pattern of leadership that tend to authoritarian, anti-democratic and anti-criticism, making way for corruption occurs everywhere increasingly open. Indonesia is no doubt once ranked 5 (large) the most corrupt State officials, even to this day.
Corruption; Structural Violence Against People
In truth, corruption is a form of structural violence committed by government officials against the State and society. Imagine, corruption is increasingly fertile devisit burden will increasingly make the State budget is increasing.This would then result in the economic system Became "colaps" and led to increasingly high inflation makes prices increasingly community needs Soar. Economics of this high cost results in an imbalance between the purchasing power of people to the level of commodity prices, especially basic food items. Society tends to be forced to accept this situation, despite the collapse of our economic system, is the result of the corrupt officials caused the State money for personal interests, groups and parties respectively.In essence, the public was forced to bear the burden did not commit. We still remember the "crisis" that the between the 1997/1998 Occurred!. The main That Causes of the crisis hit Indonesia as it is the financial burden of State-induced diminishing of Soeharto's New Order government is very corrupt.
Corruption is said to be a form of structural violence, Because of corruption committed by officials is a form of abuse of State power, where corruption was born from the use of authority the power to oppress, rob and suck people's money for personal gain. Consequently, the functions of the State to serve the interests of his people, turned into a vacuum machine for its own people. Political relations are built the between the community and the State through the government was not balanced. This resulted in the emergence of a new aristocracy in our government buildings. State accused of deliberately creating social inequality in society. Widespread poverty, unemployment line long queues, Inadequate salaries and wages, social Smaller budgets are getting due to the removal of subsidies (education, health, electricity, fuel, telephone etc.)., Is a long line of problems That the press people so That makes the burden of public life increasingly Difficult. Is not this the result of collusion practices (Corruption, collusion and Nepotism) undertaken by our government officials are corrupt?. One important fact is That We Can see how the government gracefully volunteered to pay off debts That have been corrupted by the State Government New Order first. Inside the State Revenues and Expenditures Budget (APBN), government budget allocates less than 40 (forty) percent for paying foreign debts through the IMF, World Bank, Paris Club, CGI, and other donor agencies. Not to mention the use of funds of Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance (BLBI) to be borne by the State. Allocation of payment debts due to corruption of this country, Will Reap The Consequences, namely; charge payment indoensia debt to the People who never enjoyed Had Such debts. Charge by selecting the budget and repeal subsidies for social community. Charge with the decline of fate and community life. It was not fair, "WHO Corruptors enjoy, the People who Sacrificed "!!!. Of exposure, then it is fair to say That corruption is a form of systemic violence, the which has been purposely built and created by the structure of state power against its own people.
Restoring Public Confidence
We can not deny That the level of corruption Among state officials, making the community attractive support for the government. Beliefs and expectations of society (expectation) of the government can be said to decline, even apathetic senderung Towards the government and its officials, legal personnel (police, prosecutors, judges, etc..) So far, the Eradication of corruption committed by the government seemed to walk SLOWLY. Convoluted and highly bureaucratic Efforts to combat corruption by, Became one of the factors underlying the settlement of a case. For instance, an official examination of the legislative (parliament) That must wait for permission and the decision of the Minister of the Interior, the WHO or local government officials have to wait for the approval of the president, etc., Became one of the main obstacles That the government Should Be Able to swatch right solution. Government in this regard is required to make-policy (policy) aimed at eradicating corruption mempelancar daapt process running so fast, efficient and effective without being hindered by rules That too bureaucratic.
Since the period of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Jusuf Kalla, Eradication of corruption a top priority in his government work program. This effort Should Be our appreciation by giving a high appreciation for the Efforts made. But Should We note that, although the government of SBY-JK has managed to uncover cases of corruption involving officials of the State (Such as cases of KPU, Bulog case, the case in Aceh, Abdullah Puteh, as well as cases involving government officials in some areas), but Efforts to combat corruption have not been Able to touch the corrupt, corrupt snapper (from the Suharto era to the present), the which until now still roam Freely without the slightest ever Touched by the law. If the government is Able to Provide tangible evidence of commitment to eradicating corruption, then any public trust be recovered, even more participatory in each of the problems being faced by the nation and the State. But on the contrary, if the government slow and failed in fulfilling its obligations and responsibilities to solve cases of corruption that exists, then people would be much farther away. What would a government without the support of the community?
Remedies for Corruption Eradication; Between Myth and Reality
Efforts should be done to combat and eradicate the corruption is not merely intensified the inspection, investigation, and arrest criminals. Efforts to eradicate corruption as well not just with the intensified campaign to strengthen one's moral values. But corruption efforts should thoroughly cover the root causes through: First, the State through the government should make improvements of living conditions of society as a whole, especially in the context of economic improvement. In this country is responsible in meeting the needs of the community life, both inner and outer, primary or secondary, non-physical and physical balance. If society continually plagued with poverty, hence the desire to find a shortcut to enrich themselves, will continue to emerge and evolve in the minds of our society. Because the problem of corruption is not just a problem of enforcement and legal certainty, but the problem of corruption is also integral to the social, economic and political.
Second, build a democratic system of power. As has been emphasized at the beginning of this, that the corrupt behavior were also supported by a push system. If the intangible power of centralized, authoritarian and oppressive, it is not impossible that corruption will continue to happen. We need a democratic system of government, transparent, not anti-critic, as well as having a high form of respect towards civil society (civil society).
Third, building access control and public oversight of the government. Handling the problem of corruption can not be done by focusing on one entity controls or surrender to the government's handling it. Because it tends to run a linear and non-structure. In a sense, is it possible the government will effectively check its own officials. Classical problem which then arises is, "who will be responsible for overseeing supervisor?". This issue will only be accommodated within the context of authoritarian power. In a State of the egalitarian power structure, community control is given access to power, so That the supervisory function horizontally the between the parallel structure, and supervision Will be in balance with sharp controls against diversion.
Fourth, strengthening institutions, law enforcement officials. Honesty of law enforcement (fair trial), have built a strong start. This meant that the handling process of corruption can be run efficiently. Credibility of our legal apparatus required to be more fair, objective and impartial in looking at and picking out the case. The case of a corrupt person should be processed and can be completed quickly, like the completion of the case of a chicken thief does not require a relatively long time. This is where the professionalism demanded of our law enforcement, if the government wanted a settlement of cases of corruption effectively.
Fifth, improvement and quality education system. This makes it possible to embed the behavior of clean, honest and responsible for school students early on. The behavior of the teachers (lecturers, teachers, etc.) should also participate repaired. During this time, not infrequently of the teachers are giving a bad example to their students who may later be adopted in everyday life. Such as selling diplomas and grades, the book business / learning modules, illegal fees to how to teach a rigid, authoritarian, and tend to suppress children's protege. If the above we are unable to practice seriously, then there is no guarantee that the corrupt behavior of the people of Indonesia will disappear by itself. It could be that it will be more fruitful without being able to stop us together.
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